“If you’re looking for a fishing guide to teach you new fishing tactics and have a great day on the water, then Ryan Standke is your man. Ryan’s passion is teaching people how to improve their fishing skills. During winter months Ryan teaches fishing workshops that have been highly successfull. When you hire a fishing guide, look for a guide that will teach you how to catch fish when you are on your own, plus catch fish while on the water with him. When you hire Ryan, you not only just go out and catch fish, you improve your fishing skills so you can be independent and enjoy successful fishing adventures the rest of your life.” Sandy Kessler Weirsdale, FL

Sandy Kessler - Weirsdale, FL

“If you’re looking for a fishing guide to teach you new fishing tactics and have a great day on the water, then Ryan Standke is your man. Ryan’s passion is teaching people how to improve their fishing skills. During winter months Ryan teaches fishing workshops that have been highly successfull. When you hire a fishing guide, look for a guide that will teach you how to catch fish when you are on your own, plus catch fish while on the water with him. When you hire Ryan, you not only just go out and catch fish, you improve your fishing skills so you can be independent and enjoy successful fishing adventures the rest of your life.” Sandy Kessler Weirsdale, FL

Sandy Kessler - Weirsdale, FL

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